We offer low cost/free live-virtual and/or in person educational opportunities throughout the year separate from our yearly Conference.
Legislative Efforts
The CT chapter has a lobbyist on staff to protect our profession against bills and regulations that negatively affect our profession. Once a year the chapter goes to the State Capitol to provide chair and Thai massage to legislators and their staff.
Sport Massage Team (SMT)
Members who are trained in sports massage are eligible to work at paid events that are on the calendar. Our planning is based on trying to work a variety of events in various areas in the state. The Hartford Marathon is one of our premier events.
Connecticut Conference Committee
Chapter members can utilize their skills to plan, organize and run our annual conference. There are a variety of roles from contracting educators, sponsors and vendors, to registration and staff on site.
Networking with Membership
Education or team events are a chance for therapists to connect. We also offer in-person events to meet other therapists at our annual convention and chapter meetings. A free to members exhibit hall is also on site at our annual convention.
Our main forms of communication are our website, e-blasts, and Instagram. You can expect routine communications via email and social media. We make every effort to not send more than one correspondence per week via email. Your email on file with AMTA is the email you will receive chapter correspondence from. If you opt out of receiving emails, you will no longer get chapter communications.
Is there a CT AMTA member you know who you would like to see recognized for a job well done? Do you know someone who deserves ‘thanks’? Each year we take pleasure in honoring deserving individuals during our Annual Chapter meeting through Awards and Certificates of Appreciation.
If you know of someone who deserves consideration, we would like to hear from you. Please email for more information.
Assembly of Delegates
This is the voice of CT members. Each chapter within AMTA elects delegates, who are the representatives of the chapter membership to the National Board of Directors. The delegation meets yearly at the National Convention to discuss ideas and position statements with membership representation from all 51 chapters. The delegation makes a decision if this is important and should be brought to the National Board of Directors for further review.
Become a Part of AMTA-CT Chapter
Please feel free to reach out to any of our chapter leaders if you have an interest in being part of our group to provide local benefits to CT Members. We would love to hear from you with ideas, suggestions, questions or interest in learning more about the chapter.