Annual CT Conference
April 5, 2025
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This year is a one-day conference with up to 8 CEs of education available.
Registration & Fees
Registration is open to AMTA Members only. All courses require preregistration and class size is limited. Completed registrants will receive an email from the registration platform. Please do not unsubscribe from these emails as you will miss future course updates and course handouts. No printed hand outs will be available on site. Participants are responsible for printing or having electronic copies of the course handouts.
Badges must be worn at all times while on site.
Annual meeting registration – Free
Luncheon – Make-your-own-sandwich Buffet – $15
Classes: Full Day 8-noon and 2-6pm – $136, Half Day (morning or afternoon session) – $68
Email Yvette at
Quick Links
Exhibit Hall
Social Events
Refund Policy
Schedule at a Glance
7-8 am Registration
Coffee and Tea
Classes: 8am – noon
Intro to Somatic Principles, Part 1 (Part 1 and Part 2 required for credit) – Linda MacConnell
Orthopedic Procedures and Post-surgical Precautions for Massage Therapists, Part 1 (Part 1 and Part 2 required for credit) – Matt Gavzy
How to do Deep Tissue Massage Easily & Effectively – Greg Hurd
Lunch 12-12:30pm
A make-your-own-sandwich buffet is available for $15 – Registration is required
Annual Chapter Meeting: 12:30-1:30pm
Free – Chapter Business meeting, quest speaker and chapter awards presentation
Classes: 2-6 pm
Intro to Somatic Principles, Part 2 (Part 1 and Part 2 required for credit) – Linda MacConnell
Orthopedic Procedures and Post-surgical Precautions for Massage Therapists, Part 2 (Part 1 and Part 2 required for credit) – Matt Gavzy
Ethics for the Massage Therapist: How We View and Choose our Actions – Greg Hurd
Intro to Somatic Principles – Linda MacConnell
April 5, 2025 8am-12pm and 2-6pm – 8 CE
This workshop introduces basic principles of somatic movement re-education methods to reduce tension for both client and therapist. Using movement as a tool for awareness development, you will learn somatic practices and how they can greatly improve the relationship with your work and the effectiveness for your clients. We will explore our own movement patterns so that we can engage with clients on a deeper level. You will also practice hands-on techniques to further develop your hands-on sensitivities.
Students must bring: Course Handout. Massage Table and comfortable clothing.
Orthopedic Procedures and Post-Surgical Precautions for Massage Therapists – Matt Gavzy
April 5, 2025 8am-12pm and 2-6pm – 8 CE
There is an education gap between massage therapists and other healthcare providers. Too many massage therapists do not understand orthopedic procedures and their post-surgical precautions. While this is not a technique class it describes hip and knee replacement surgeries, and the post-surgical precautions doctors may place on their patients. Students will learn how to communicate with doctors and physical therapists “in their own language”.
Students will improve anatomical and arthokineatics knowledge; Describe pathologies, surgeries and employ precautions; Perform goniometry; Review normal joint ROM; Demonstrate manual muscle testing; Apply grading systems; Communicate with MDs and PTs in their language.
Students must bring: Course Handout. Dress in comfortable clothing. Massage Table and Linens.
How to do Deep Tissue Massage Easily & Effectively – Greg Hurd
April 5, 2025 8am-12pm – 4 CE
In this 4-hour hands-on class, we will demonstrate how massage therapists can practice deep tissue massage without pain, while still being very effective. We will show techniques and body mechanics. We work so that we sink into the muscles so we can do deep work. Students will have time to practice and adapt techniques so that they work for them.
Students must bring: Massage table and linens. Oil, lotion or cream. Dress in comfortable clothing. Course Handout.
Ethics for the Massage Therapist: How We View and Choose our Actions – Greg Hurd
April 5, 2025 2-6pm – 4 CE
Ethics is a vast and exciting field. People, religions, organizations, experience, emotions, current beliefs, morals and so much more tell us what we are supposed to do. But it all comes down to what you choose. Something arises and you have to make choice.
In this class, along with reviewing the AMTA Code of Ethics, we will look at your options and actions and the consequences of your choices. Once you say something, do something…it is done. You then deal with the consequences of your actions.
Students must bring: Course handout and writing materials.

Linda MacConnell, Certified Trager® Practitioner, LMT
Linda MacConnell, Certified Trager® Practitioner, LMT, has been in the massage therapy field for 30 years. She graduated from Bancroft School of Massage Therapy in 1994, where she has been an instructor since 1998. She is well known there for her ability to help students fine tune the way they use their body during massage so that they are comfortable, safe and can maintain a long career.
Her love of dance and the challenge of forearm pain motivated her to learn ways to change what she was doing and to interrupt the unconscious repetitive patterns that were aggravating her symptoms of pain from giving massage. She found several different somatic movement re-education approaches for her own self-care. She took lessons in the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method and ended up becoming a Certified Trager Practitioner in 2012. She also earned her Tutor Status through Trager International in 2020.
Learning these approaches, literally saved her career. Her practice is primarily focused on these somatic principles and helping clients develop awareness of movement patterns through table work and non-table movement exploration. These principles give clients tools so that they may find clarity to what their bodies need to regulate their nervous system, decrease pain and manage stress.

Greg Hurd, LMT, BCTMB
Greg Hurd has been a massage therapist since 1984 and now practices at his business in West Boylston, MA, which opened in January 2024. He had been the Director of Career Development for Bancroft School of Massage Therapy, Worcester, MA for over 30 years. He has been active in the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) for several years serving in state and national committees. He is the Chair for the Government Relations Committee for the MA Chapter.

Matthew Gavzy, PTA, LMT, BCTMB
Matthew is a massage therapist since 1994 and a NJ Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) since 2004. He is a member of the AMTA and is a Board Certified Massage Therapist. Matthew is a former member of the National Sports Massage Team and NJ AMTA MERT Coordinator. He has worked national and international sporting events and worked at the Pentagon and Ground Zero sites after 9/11. Matthew has served on the NCBTMB Specialty Certificate Committee, an NCBTMB exam question writer and serves on the NCBTMB Board. As a PTA he has worked in orthopedic and sub-acute, LTC settings. During the Covid pandemic, he worked in pop-up Covid hospitals providing physical therapy to patients. Matthew earned a BS in Economics from the University of Delaware and is the owner of Body Workings Massage Therapy, specializing in Orthopedic and Sports Massage and Chronic Pain Management.
Exhibit Hall
No exhibit hall available in 2025
Social Events
Chapter Annual Meeting
Refund Policy
A refund of 50% of registration fees is given if we receive an email ( by March 4, 2025. Any person cancelling after this date is not guaranteed a refund. Requests must be made by email ( by midnight April 5, 2025. All requests will be reviewed by the chapter board of directors at their next meeting. No refunds will be issued for prepaid meals after March 4, 2025.