2021 Assembly of Delegates Update and Information

The Assembly of Delegates (AOD) is going to be virtual again this year and the AOD is accepting submissions for both Proposed Ideas for Position Statements (PIPS) and Discussion Topics (DT). Any member may submit a DT or PIPS, but there are some deadlines to note:

  • May 3rd: All proposed DT and PIPS are due.
  • June 1st: The AODAC will return proposals with revisions suggested or reason for denial.
  • June 15th: Revised/Final proposals are due back.
  • June 30th: AODAC posts the DT and PIPS to the Delegate Forum to begin discussions.
  • August 25th: AOD virtual meeting for 2021.

If you have any questions, please reach out to either Nikki Arel  GovRelAMTACT@gmail.com or Rocky Perez handsatworkcmt@gmail.com who are your delegates until April elections!

Speaking of elections? Interested in a 2-Year Delegate position? What about the other Board positions that are up for election? Please see the AMTA-CT Chapter website https://amtactchapter.org/election-information/ for information or reach out to any Board member for more information.

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