As you now know, I am finishing my 2nd term as chapter president. I want to thank you, our members, for this honor of being your chapter president and representing you. I am in very good company, and hope that I served you well.
We have accomplished a great deal in the past four years: we increased the education required to become an LMT, defeated an effort to apply sales tax to massage therapy, grew our Sports Massage Team, and provided four amazing state conferences, along with several free education opportunities. In the past year alone, we offered four chapter meetings, a volunteer appreciation event, 5 hours of free CEs, 30 hours of low cost CEs, 3 CSMT events, and 6 SMT events.
I’ve heard many of our members say they would never be president or on the board because it’s so much work. Well, Yes and no. Work comes in waves, and sometimes it’s a big one, like fighting sales tax. But there are always board members, chairs, members, and wonderful people at the National office willing to help out. How many of you wrote letters to argue against sales tax? We had a dozen members come and testify before the Public Health Committee. We are lucky to have an engaged and active membership. All of that helps lessen the workload.
I am proud to be a part of this chapter in part because you inspire me. We have so many dedicated and caring individuals who work to make our industry better. In my opinion, the best of these are our chapter Board and Chairs. If you think I’ve been a great chapter president or that we have accomplished a lot, it is because of them. Our Board and Chairs give 100% to their volunteer positions and the massage industry: and not because they have to, but because they want to.
To my board and chairs: I do not have the words to tell you how much I have enjoyed working with you and how much I have learned from you. We don’t always agree, but we have amazing conversations and I think we always do what’s best for the members. The chapter is lucky to have each one of you, and I’ve been lucky enough to work alongside you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having my back these last four years. I wish you and this chapter an even brighter future.