Non-Essential Status and Your AMTA Liability Insurance

AMTA’s liability insurance, provided through HPSO, requires that covered AMTA members are appropriately licensed to provide professional services and that they comply with state, federal, and facility guidelines relative to scope of practice and practice setting. 

If there is a government order that mandates non-essential businesses close, and massage therapy is not considered essential in that governmental jurisdiction, then the therapist would be practicing outside of the governmental order, guidance, law or regulation; and coverage would be excluded in the event of a claim. 

In Connecticut, Governor Lamont made Executive Order 7H that closes non-essential businesses. In addition, massage therapy is not considered essential, as defined by the DECD. (See one of our previous New articles and eblasts for links to those orders.) Therefore, any massage therapists still practicing are operating outside scope of practice and will not be covered by their AMTA liability insurance. 

Call HPSO with specific questions about AMTA’s coverage: 1-888-253-1474.
Thank you,~The AMTA-CT Board of Directors

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