Fall 2018 Membership Meeting Summary

October 21, 2018
11:00 AM─1:00 PM
Hilton Garden Inn, Shelton, CT

Massage Law Updates
After introducing your Chapter Leaders, those who volunteer at the national level, and our new members, our GR Chair, Nikki Arel, reviewed massage law updates:

  • As of 10/19, ALL LMTs will be required to carry liability insurance. Please spread the word.
  • As of 10/19, anyone applying for a massage therapist license in CT will be required to have completed 750 hours of education plus 60 hours of uncompensated, supervised clinic or internship hours.
  • As a reminder, a human trafficking poster must be displayed in your office and where you book appointments/collect payment. You can find it on our web site.

Table Talk
Since our lobbyist could not attend as a guest speaker, we facilitated some table talk, and asked:

  • Why do you come to chapter meetings?
  • What would you like to get from chapter meetings?
  • What is the most important benefit from the chapter?
  • What days and times are the best for you to attend a chapter meeting?
  • How many meetings a year work for you?
  • Is there something you would like from chapter meetings?
  • Do you find the free education to be a good benefit?
  • Would local, county events be of interest?
  • Would you host a local event?

News from National Convention
In case you missed this announcement, AMTA has been working with:

  • NCCIH (National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health)
  • HHS (US Department of Health and Human Services) Pain Task Force
  • FDA
  • CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)


  • CMS issued guidelines that named massage therapy by a state-licensed massage therapist as a medically-approved, non-opioid treatment alternative!
  • AMTA is encouraging ~700 Medicare Advantage plans to consider covering massage in their 2019 and 2020 coverage
  • Data shows it could save the US between $23-$25 billion each year

Learn more at: www.amtamassage.org/opioids

Why We Send Board Members to National Convention
If we have well-trained leaders, then it is beneficial for the chapter. Our chapter leaders receive training specifically for chapter leaders, thereby creating better trained leaders, who are better prepared for Board positions, including presidency. By training our entire Board, you have a team of people with a shared knowledge base, instead of relying on one person to “know it all.”

We made the best use of the board’s time at national convention by also having lunch with another chapter. This chapter holds a conference that is about the same size as ours. It resulted in a lot of great brainstorming, which is directly affecting our 2019 conference.

New Associates Degree in MT Program
Sue Passini, Board Member
Beginning in 2019, Asnuntuck Community College will have a program that offers an Associate’s Degree in Massage Therapy! The program is approximately 4-5 semesters.

It will also offer a way to submit your education and hours to convert from an existing Certificate in Massage to the Associates Degree, though the details are still getting ironed out. Already licensed MTs would have at least 25 credits coming into the program.

What does the degree program provide for an already licensed massage therapist? Why do it?
It gives a degree of credibility to LMTs that we haven’t had the option to have before. This may be viewed very positively by the medical establishment, looking to refer patients.

Are you looking to offer other programs, such as PT or Nutritionist?
Not just yet

What is the cost?
Significantly less than other programs in state.

Where is it offered?

Asnuntuck Community College in Enfield. The non-credit version (a certificate program) is at Tunxis, and other community colleges are looking to get into it as well.

Other Important Announcements

  • The 2019 Connecticut Conference is accepting Registrations! Go to amtactchapter.org/event/conference to learn all about this year’s conference. Register soon! We expect Joe Muscolino’s classes to go quickly.
  • The Dianne Polseno Scholarship is not accepting applications. You could win FREE Full Registration to the 2019 Connecticut Conference. For all the details, go to amtactchapter.org/Resources .

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