UI for Self-Employed Only
If you are SOLELY self-employed:
If you have previously gone through the CT’s Department of Labor site and filed a claim for UI, and received a letter back from the DOL that had all zeros? Sit tight.
If you have not done so, please go to ctdol.state.ct.us to file an unemployment claim. There is some conflicting info on whether this is needed or not, but I would suggest that most resources recommend this and would complete this step.
Log into your account and indicate if you want direct deposit or bank card option for your weekly payments.
Check back on the DOL site for the ‘activation’ of the PUA program. From the DOL’s website: ‘Does the PUA program use the same system to submit a PUA application as the regular unemployment benefits program? No. The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program is managed in a system separate from the regular unemployment system, called ReEmployCT.’
AS SOON AS i have ANY information from our lobbyist, the state or DOL, I shall post in the AMTA-CT Members FB group and will do my best to include a link.
If you have a mixed-employment claim (as in: you see some private clients AND take a paycheck as an employee in another position, whether massage or otherwise), I am going to refer you to either call the DOL or, better yet, your home address State Representative.
My husband is an employee and has been furloughed for three weeks and dealing with the DOL and UI system without assistance. I got him connected to our State Rep’s office and within 24-hours he has a resolution and will be receiving his benefits by next week. Your Reps are YOUR elected voice and work FOR you. So reaching out can expedite your questions and concerns related to multi-income concerns and benefits, as each case will be so unique and individual.
I know how difficult this time is, and this further delay is both upsetting and very frustrating. I am on every avenue I have working hard to push for information and timely responses. I will say that you should not expect to see Massage Therapy back online on the 20th, as we are in a ‘moderate/medium risk’ profession.
One shining light was that my Representative did indicate that, for those professions who will be required to wear PPE in order to return to work, he and other Reps are exploring how the state or municipalities can help supply that gear to small businesses who may not come back online with the resources to purchase or source the required gear. I shall continue to push on that front as well!
Take care, Stay Safe and I hope to see you all sooner rather than later!metta …. nikki arel
I hope that this helps.
Nikki Arel, AMTA-CT Chapter, GR Chair