We started the meeting with a survey, which was almost the same as the one the chapter sent out electronically. The results of the survey from those in attendance, however, were very different from those collected online. This gave the Board some interesting data to interpret at the Board meeting the following week.
Reminders were then given for upcoming events. Those left are the chapter meeting and education on 1/22/17, and the Annual chapter meeting on 4/23/17.
Guest speaker
Our guest speaker was Peter George. Peter spoke to us about public speaking skills and how to better verbally market ourselves and our businesses. He was dynamic and made a good impression on all. There was even a line of people waiting to speak to him after the meeting.
Highlights of Peter’s talk include:
- Public speaking is the #1 fear in humanity – studies to prove it
- The reason we get scared about public speaking is the fear of the SELF
- It is about THEM, not YOU
- “How to make friends and influence people” book recommendation
- Networking is about building relationships. Anywhere: grocery store, AMTA meetings, schools
- Cannot go to events to sell services, just to build relationships
- Build Relationships/Connect with People/Follow Up – hand written notes, phone calls
- Notes & cards get opened 100% of the time – Phone calls will be heard always, if only voicemail – email is only opened 13% of the time
Wrap Up from National Convention:
Becca’s summary from House of Delegates: 23 recommendations/15 have passed. 7 went past the National Board OfDirectors and implemented. This is how our voices are heard. 35 total position statements have been written. We really need more authors for position statements
- Surveys will be coming from national so PLEASE respond to them
- Largest convention ever. Now 71,000 members. AMTA is preferred 3 to 1 among consumers
- AMTA now offers an Anatomy study app for the MBlex exam
- Partner schools will now offer free student memberships to all students, which will help our membership numbers.
All Alternates and Delegates came up and spoke briefly about their experience
Delegates: Becca Torns-Barker, Shannon Saunders, Rocky Perez, and Sue Barrett
Alternates: Lani Roth, Maureen Stott, Michele Kean, Ryan McDonald, Tami Taylor
Encouraging members to apply to be a delegate/alternate for next year. If members have questions about what being a delegate or alternate delegate entails, ask the current volunteers or anyone on the chapter board about it.
Announcements from National: Scott Raymond
- Position statements: position that the association takes in the field of massage research
- Recommendation: something that the HOD wants the national board to look at
- House of Delegates: how the membership gets their voices heard. Where the good debates happen.
- MTF: AMTA will be giving 475,000 of member money back to the foundation
- NCBTMB will now be supported by the AMTA again
- Massage Envy will be involved with AMTA to promote self-care for the therapists. Then will start other conversations about ways to improve the massage therapists lives. Working on a manager/owner training about what it’s like to be a LMT
- The next three National Conferences: Pasadena, CA 2017 – Washington, DC 2018 – Indianapolis, IN 2019
- Any questions or comments: sraymond@amtamassage.org
CT Conference Rollout: Conference dates are 4/20/17-4/23/17.
Classes include CranioSacral Therapy 1 from Upledger and much more. You can receive 22 CEs for $275. Lunch on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is included with Full Registration.
More information is available on the website: www.amtactchapter.org/event/conference
Can register with the Call to Conference brochure or register online at www.regonline.com/amtact2017
Still accepting Exhibitors and Sponsorship applications.