We are pleased to welcome Susan Francis as the newest chapter leader to our AMTA-CT team. Susan enthusiastically took on the position of Education Chair this past spring when the former Chair, Amy Waite, was elected to the chapter’s Board of Directors.
A 2011 Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy graduate, Susan also holds a B.S. in Elementary Education, is a certified infant massage teacher and currently focuses her massage practice on the health and well-being of women and children through pre and post-natal care.
Since chapter sponsored classes are on hold during the pandemic, Susan took some time to research a few of the many CE classes offered online by the AMTA that may enhance your massage therapy practice! These classes are free to AMTA members and NCBTMB approved. All of the following CEs may be applied to your AMTA and NCBTMB continuing education requirements. Up to 6 online (distance) CE credits may be applied per renewal cycle of your Connecticut license.
Ethical gray areas exist for licensed massage therapists. This free 2.0 CE entitled Dealing with Ethical Grey Areas in Massage Therapy offers insight on how to make a decision during those “Should I, or should I not include this in my practice?” moments. This course is perfect for those who are deciding how to add supplemental income to their business. Additionally, this course counts towards NCBTMB’s ethics credit requirement. https://my.amtamassage.org/courses/detail/24/dealing-with-ethical-gray-areas-in-massage-therapy
Live classes are a challenge currently, however there are still many benefits to the course entitled Grow Your Practice: Teach Wellness. This free 3.0 CE lays out the foundation of teaching a successful class, which is helpful for those interested in generating revenue during a time where social distancing is encouraged. Learn how to create a plan of action while teaching what you love.https://my.amtamassage.org/courses/detail/73/grow-your-practice-teach-wellness-classes
We all know body mechanics. We all learned how to stretch, how to self-care. However, all of us were dormant for at least 3 months. Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate our routines and get us back into the art of being “Wellness Athletes.” All of the self-care ideas and stretches are here in this 2.0 CE titled Self Care for Massage Therapists: Injury Prevention. This course gives us a step by step reminder of the best stretches for therapists and how to help the body start moving again after such a long break.https://my.amtamassage.org/courses/detail/101/self-care-for-massage-therapists-injury-prevention
If you have any questions, CE suggestions or would like more information about how you can volunteer at a future education event, please email Susan: educationamtact@gmail.com.