CT Conference 2019

The fourth annual Connecticut Chapter AMTA Conference is just around the corner and we have a great line-up of educators and exhibitors this year for you. We also have some exciting social events to go along with this years Conference as well.

We are offering 18 Continuing Education hours for full registrants as well as one and two day classes for your convenience. You can also pick just one three hour session if you would like too. The conference is set up to meet everyone’s needs. We are offering wonderful classes for building your businesses through Seated Chair Massage, A Business Mastery and Foot Reflexology. We have interesting classes in Research and Ethics as well as an array of Orthopedic Classes for Assessment of the SI, Psoas, Anatomy & Physiology Assessment and Body Mechanics for Deep Pressure Massage. Oh and let’s not forget the Trigger Point Refinement class. So many great classes it can certainly be a hard chose as to which ones to take. Do you know someone that isn’t a current AMTA member? They can come too and bring a friend/colleagues if they want.

Please go to amtactchapter.org/event/conference/ for more info about classes and to register. You can also register online at regonline.com/amta2019.

We are currently working on filling the Exhibit hall with new and returning exhibitors. There will be an array of businesses attending this year with something for everyone. As always our Exhibit hall is open to everyone so feel free to bring a friend or two. We will be welcoming back some exhibitors from previous years, which include – Inner Peace, Krystal Blue International, Life in Colors, CST Alliance and Centering Our lives Through Touch. We would also like to welcome our newcomers to this year’s

conference – Sarga Bodywork, Universal Company, The Art & Science of Kinesiology, Asnuntuck Community College and Cupping Canada. The list keeps growing so be sure to check online for more additions to our Conference Exhibit Hall and remember, there is no fee to attend the hall so you can always stop by to stock up on the things you need for your business.

There have been some changes this year to the Conference that I wanted to make you aware of. The Annual Chapter Meeting will be held on Saturday this year, during our lunch instead of Sunday. It will be one hour long and we will be announcing our Meritorious Award winner for 2019 and our Election results. We will also have a special guest speaker Christopher Deery our new National AMTA President.

But that’s not all, our Social events for this year include an Awards Reception honoring our wonderful Chapter Volunteers, which will be held on Friday evening. A Cocktail Party held on Saturday evening to announce the results of the Massage Therapy Foundation Silent Auction. In addition we don’t want to forget about the Presenter Pop Up. This is a time we have set aside for you to come and enjoy a “meet and greet” with our incredible educators, where you can ask them questions and inquire about their businesses and classes. So many wonderful and interesting things to do and see at this year’s conference! So come and enjoy yourself, meet some friends and colleagues and have a laugh or two.

By Sue Barrett, Conference Chair

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