2019 Conference Update

Happy 2019 hope everyone had a wonderful New Years! The planning of the 2019 Conference is well underway with the help of some amazing volunteers. We have been plugging along to create another wonderful and exciting CT Chapter AMTA Conference. This years Conference offers an awesome array of classes, exhibitors and special events   https://amtactchapter.org/event/conference. Remember to register early so that you can get first choice for your continuing education. Our classes filled up quickly last year and with the fantastic line up we have this year I think we may be closing the registration early on some of these classes, as well, before the doors open on April 25, 2019.

We have classes to meet everyone educational needs from lecture to hands-on. We are offering two Ethics classes as well as a Research class to help meet your CT Licensure and Board Certification CE’s requirements. We also have a series of orthopedic massage classes featuring Dr. Joe Muscalino which can be taken individually, as well and a great introduction to Foot Reflexology, featuring a 9 hour class from the Laura Norman School of Reflexology. A Business class for growing and marketing your Massage business and a Chair Massage class with marketing strategies to grow your Chair Massage Business taught by Nick Repoli. An ethics class, presented by our own Scott Raymond, helping us to deal with the loss of a client. We have the great pleasure of having the sitting National President of the AMTA, Christopher Deery as an educator this year teaching classes in Research, Trigger Point Refinement and Ethics. So many wonderful classes and educators, it will be hard to choose!

We are changing things up this year so remember to keep an eye on your email, for updates and current conference info. Our Friday evening events include our fabulous Exhibit Hall, Presenter Pop-up and a special Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Reception for our Community Service, Emergency, Sports and Conference Teams and other volunteers, to recognize our wonderful volunteers and their commitment to helping our Chapter grow stronger through volunteering.

We are excited to be offering something new called The Presenter Pop up on Friday and Saturday evening which will be located in the Exhibit hall, this is where you can have a meet and greet with the Educators to ask them questions, see the different classes and products they offer or recommend.

Evening events for Saturday night include our fabulous Exhibit hall, Presenter Pop-up and we will be announcing the Silent Auction results (to benefit the Massage Therapy Foundation http://massagetherapyfoundation.org/) and our generous giveaways from the Exhibitors and Sponsors. There is something for everyone and remember the Exhibit hall is open to anyone at no charge so bring a friend. If you have any questions please contact me at conferenceamtact@gmail.com.

Sue Barrett
Conference Chair

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